Snack Sized Coaching
90min to get clarity around one particular thing or area and put you back into flow.
This is most helpful if things are generally going well for you in this area, but there is one specific thing you want to have shifted. Together, we work out what will need to happen in order for you to get your result and you will leave with an action plan.
The results you can expect from a One-bite coaching session is clarity, direction, a motivational boost, the feeling of “being back on track”, ease and flow.
For those who are ready to massively transform their business or career.
A three to six months private and personally tailored 1:2:1 coaching programme designed to take your business or career to the next level. Want more freedom? More money? More joy? More fulfillment? Let’s Do It.
Read more about the programme here.

The Empowered Entrepreneur

Space It!

Transform your spaces, transform your business or life.
Spend a morning or afternoon with me redesigning your home or office for optimum support.
Send your subconscious the messages it needs in order for you to take action easily, receive effortlessly and find new opportunities quickly.
This service starts with a 30min phone call to discuss what you want to make happen and ho your environment can support you in that. We then spend up to 4h in your space, redesigning, rearranging, de-cluttering and tidying so that your space and your vision become aligned.
This will result in you feeling more relaxed, joyful and at ease and it will be much easier for you to achieve what you desire to achieve.
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